The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87477   Message #1637373
Posted By: CarolC
30-Dec-05 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for Moderate Arab Voices...
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for Moderate Arab Voices...
Yes, you are correct, beardedbruce. When I went back to look at previous posts this is the one I noticed...

Just because you haven't seen or heard the criticisms from moderate Arabs doesn't mean they didn't happen.

I stand corrected on my use of the word "condemn". But upon reflection, I don't necessarily think that "condemn" is too strong a word for some of the things I read coming from some of the Arab sources I quoted. Especially the ones who compared Ahmadinejad to Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadhafi.

As we can see from Little Hawk's experience with the media coverage (or appalling lack of coverage) of the demonstration by Muslim moderates in Bangladesh, the fault lies not with the moderate Muslims, who are certainly taking a stand against extremism... the fault lies in the prejudices of the Western media, who refuse to cover these things when they happen.

And even when they do cover them, they try to spin their coverage so that the real story... the large numbers of moderate voices, don't get heard, and only the few extremists (like Ahmadinejad for instance), get noticed.

That event at which Ahmadinejad made those remarks was a very important event. It was Arab and Muslim moderates taking a stand against extremism and violence. But did you happen to notice it? No, of course you didn't. And that's because all of the news media was focused on only one thing... Ahmadinejad's remarks. Even though he was only one person and the moderates were many. And in the aftermath, even though there were moderate voices criticizing (and in some cases, condemning) those remarks, the Western media did everything they could to downplay any critical responses from Arabs and Muslims.

The problem lies more with the prejudices of the Western media against Arabs and Muslims than anything else.