The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #163744
Posted By: Rabbit
16-Jan-00 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Hey, InOBU, I understand your position. I used to have a very good friend who was very active in gay rights for a long time. Then one day, as he told me later, he just "wanted to be himself." He still supported some major thigns, but he was far less vocal, far less obvious in the community.

Just as a completely oblivious bystander who's read this thread I have simplified take: You are very passionate right now about Rom and ethnic suppression right now.

People DO need to hear about such things. And such passion channeled and crafted in a song can help make it universal and moving. But 'unbridled' passion can often 'tire' people-- even people with the same viewpoint, as my long gone friend.

I'm afraid your comrades weren't of the same passion.

One thing more, dehumanizing others will never help a piece of art or song to last.
