The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17120   Message #163774
Posted By: paddymac
16-Jan-00 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Dogs and 'Catters are alike
Subject: RE: BS: Why Dogs and 'Catters are alike
Bugsy - ever hear of - what the heck is his name - that Atlanta writer/comic whose ex-wives equaled the number of his open heart surgeries. He was well-known as an after-dinner speaker, and used to tell a story about Uga, the bulldog fated to be the University of Georgia mascot. As the story goes, an inebriated alum saw Uga licking his balls on the sideline during a football game. The alum turned to his buddy and said: "Man, I sure wish I could do that." His slightly-less-inebriated buddy replied: "Man, that dog will bite you." Appropos of nothing, but your comment reminded me of it. Ah, well, keep dreaming.