The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87581   Message #1637868
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Dec-05 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peace?
Subject: RE: BS: Peace?
BB, Ringer, and other giant intellects criticizing the UN------

1) Please point out to me where I said the UN was perfect. It's even possible--perish the thought---that the current US administration has room for improvement.

2) Did the UN function as honest broker in Iraq, --do I have to explain what that is?-- thus making possible an Iraqi face on the opposition to the insurgency?

Yes or no?

It was asked to do so, by the way by the Bush regime, which desperately needed its chestnuts hauled out of the fire---and before November 2004.)

3) Is the UN now conducting an investigation of Harari's death--and facing death threats as a result?

Yes or no?

4) If my hypothesis as to Bush's 2004 election is wrong, exactly why?

5) BB et al.---with your customary razor-sharp logic, you have managed to miss the point---again.   Well done. Good job. I'm not risking my life to bring progress to the Mideast. But I'm also not criticizing the UN, which has members now doing exactly that.

Frustrated, impotent people--pun not aimed at you, BB--- criticize those who help.

6) BB---Cut and paste , when accompanied by thinking, is acceptable. You unfortunately fall down on the last part.