I think I managed to tape Paul Cadwell at the '61 festival. I was at the Woolsey Hall concert with a mike from WYBC, the Yale radio station (can't recall whether they broadcast or taped the concert, or whether I was just running PA). After the concert, I borrowed the mike and loaded my old Magnecord into the old Cadillac of Mollie Scott's boyfriend (I can remember his face, but his name won't come back until later) and drove out to the Montowese House with them, Mollie singing me a lullaby as I rested in the back seat. I taped most of that festival (the Hartman-Barriers have the tapes, though I have DAT copies). The performers I remember best were Rev. Garry Davis, Fiddler & Evelyn Beers, Hedy West, and Zola Alcantera (whatever happened to her?). Bob Dylan was there, too, but I did not tape him. The tape ran out just after he started his set, and I turned it over but did not restart it as I did not like him that much. I also went to another in the mid-60s; I forget whether that was before or after the Montowese House burned down. This time, I brought two tape recorders, and gave one set of tapes to WBAI (which immediately erased and reused them!). I'll be giving the others to Indian Neck Foundation as soon as I transcribe them (this time, to CD-R). I am missing one tape from that festival. The woman who drove me and my gear up (I only had a bike at the time) got sucked into Mel Lyman's orbit and moved up to his Fort Hill Commune, where all believed that Lyman was God. She later came down and asked to borrow the tape Lyman was on, as he wanted a copy. I offered to make one, but she said "we have better facilities up in Roxbury," so I lent it to her. Never saw it again -- I think the goal was to ensure that Lyman tapes were not in the hands of unbelievers, and if that meant depriving me of 12 other folks' performances, sobeit.Ivan Berger Fanwood, NJ