The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87316   Message #1638222
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
31-Dec-05 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
>>AR282, can you tell me how many indictments WJC had in his administration versus GWB. I think GW has one indicted. Now, go on to the convictions during the WJC reign and add up the years spent in prison by them. We will simply ignore the mysterious deaths of several in the WJC gang.<<

Dear Mr. G. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. Clinton's reign is over and has been over for more than 5 years now. Everything this country is currently facing was brought about by the man who been there for 5 years and still owes us 3 more. Maybe you need to think about him rather than reliving the glory days of your Clinton-hating years. I'm beginning to think that what you really hate is that he's gone.

>>Where did you read that Ford and GM have filed bankruptcy?<<

Oh, they'll call it by some other name because the public has already stated that they won't buy automobiles from companies that are filing for bankruptcy but that is what it boils down to. And it was caused partly by your president's brilliant decision to invade Iraq which disrupted the global oil supply and partly the car company execs to vest their whole future in gas-guzzling, oil-hungry, fat, weighty pieces of SUV shit.

>>Enrons' Ken Lay worked with the Clinton Department of Commerce in revising/rewriting many of the laws governing businesses such as his.<<

Oh, I see! Clinton and Ken Lay caused the downfall of Enron. The fact that Bush's tax cuts and deficit-widening policies that blatantly favor the wealthy were entirely unresponsible.

>>By the way, what are you doing to stop this 'headlong rush into oblivion'?<<

That's like asking somebody what he's going to do about that car hurtling off a cliff. Watch it hit bottom, I suppose. Can't start cleaning up or helping until that part of it is over. Sorry, but I did the most I could for this country at the polls in 2004 but I guess most of the people weren't ready to admit the truth about Iraq and the president that started it. They're getting ready now.