The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87606   Message #1638575
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
01-Jan-06 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Years Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
I read some years back that every day is a new year's day. I don't make annual resolutions, but some days I can make decisions about things I need to do. Other days I just say blah, I can't be bothered.

Like CapriUni I need to make more friends in my local community. I'm retiring in Feb 2007, & most of my small circle of friends will still be at work, & none are local, so I definitely need to get involved in local stuff. Folk music activities & my folk club will not fill 365 days a year. My local area is not really a community, being composed of mainly younger renters living in security blocks.

I recently attended a meeting of a local social history group, and found that eveyone is in their 80's, I'll be the youngest when I start attending regularly. I've also been reading about a local history group that I assume will have a wider age basis. I also want to get involved in craft group & thought of re-joining The Embroiderers Guild, but that's too narrow an interest for me.

The next 12 months will be very interesting.
