The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87606   Message #1638681
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
01-Jan-06 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Years Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
thanks for your advice, Tootler.

As I'm not used to being home day after day after day, I'll be taking some long service leave to get into practice! I normally spread my 4 weeks holiday over 2 or 3 breaks per year, so will take maybe 2 months LSL to get into a routine.

I live in a security block where folks can't just drop in (besides most of 'em will be at work!) & want to get a routine going. I have a few contacts for volunteer activities that I can do each week, and then I can do irregular stuff like attend heritage meetings.

I'm very good at isolating as I have lots of interests that I can do on my own at home, & I know that if I don't get some small routine going, I could go days without seeing folks except the paperseller or checkout operator.
