The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1638933
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jan-06 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Ain't 'bout one courage or lack there of... I've put my self in harms way to fight the good fights, be it fighting for civil rights, stopping dumb-ass wars, teaching GED in the Richmond city jail or working at a drug rehab facility in the roughest neighborhood in Richomond...

Courage is measured an many different forms...

Maybe you'd like to strp out from behind the duck-mask long enough to share what you have done in yer life that required courage, GUEST, Geoduck...

As fir GUEST, guest... Hey, it ain't paranoia if they are out to get you... Seems that a few of us get under the Bushite's skin here because we expose Bush for the lousy president he is and our reward for exposing Bush are constant attacks from these Bushites...

So, yeah, I'll admit that if yer an Amos, or a Ron Davis, or a Bobert, these folks are gonna try to roll you under the bus every chance they get... That's all they have left... They think if they loose one danged point then the house of cards will fold so they claw and the distratc and they call folks names and, and, and...

Sure, I mess with folks names but I don't do it with maliciosness but a level of humor that doesn't come accross when these folks attack me... Perfect example is right here... I sometimes call Geoduck, Quackster or Duck... (Like, how mean spirited, Bobert)... In turn I get post like the one above from the Quacki which implies that someone who does not agree lockstep with the policies of his country does not have "courage"??? LIke what is that all about???
