The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87561   Message #1638934
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
01-Jan-06 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Subject: RE: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Amos, that's what I think too. It's generalized information that when applied to what the discussion is here may or may not apply.

I also feel that anti-war and anti-bushites begs the question as to what is being said here. I think it's possible to disagree with Bush without being full of hate for him. I wouldn't say for example that I hate Al Capone but recognize what he did.

The advice for these interesting fictitous characters (anti-war=anti- bushites) is hollow indeed because they don't address real people and their concerns.

There is no one on this list who has advocated violence against the Bush Administration or any member thereof and I believe that such violence would be injurious to our Constitution and our American ideals. What the "Advisor" doesn't seem to recognize is that the dialogue is essentially corrupted not by ill feelings but by a lack of real information that the news media is not giving us.

But the facts are out there for anyone who cares to go beyond the propaganda of the Right-Wing PR firms. Because these facts are there, we are seeing an animosity of increasing proportions on the part of Right-Wing pundits and those who regurgitate the information they receive from the Hannity's, Coulter's, O'Reilly's and Limbaugh's
The only real thing that Karl Rove has done is to inflame the debate and break down the possibility of true communication.

Let's face it. The dialogue is dead now. We live in reactive times and no amount of advice from any well-wishing moralist will ameliorate that.
