The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87356   Message #1638965
Posted By: Barry Finn
01-Jan-06 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: Three Sheets (to the Wind)
Subject: RE: Three Sheets (to the Wind)
Thanks Gardi for the offer of a ride. I'd gladly except but I won't. I don't think you relize how far out of your way you'd be going. I'd think that for you heading up to Portsmouth it'd be a hell of a lot easier to head right up the coast or to travel RT95. Coming from the Cape Ann area (I'm assuming that that's where you are) to me (Derry) is probably close to an hour for you which is most likely longer than it would take you to get to the Press Room direct. From my place to the Press Room would be an additional 50 minutes. I really do appricate your offer but it's way out of the way. Thanks so much for the offer though. Maybe something else will come up.

You'll have to fill me in on Rockport's New Years fest, is it partly or all sea related? Would have been a good catch hearing all of you. Never heard a thing about it but we wouldn't've kept a weather eye opened for a New Years 1st night type of thing. Gotten a little Jaded to them over the yrs. Boston had a pretty nice one to start with (preformed in their 2nd one) but over the yrs it became a drunk fest & we stopped going ot a place for the kids. It's probably 20 or so yrs back so I shouldn't still be that jaded not knowing what they're like now. Just thinking that given Rockport's proximity to the sea & it's history & it's quint push to be quint I figured after reading your above post that they might sport an interesting First Night but I haven't a clue, so do tell. Hopefully I'll be seeing & hearing you soon.
