The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87696   Message #1639180
Posted By: Bill D
01-Jan-06 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is the USA really the greatest Nation?
Subject: RE: BS: Is the USA really the greatest Nation?
well, this ol' USA is a BIG durn big that you can find the best AND the worst here...and often in the same town! If it had been settled in the same way the Old World was, it would no doubt have been 4-5..or more countries, and then we could compare "New England" with "Heartland" and with "Dixie" etc...

The very size and location of this complex place make it a target for analysis, and inevitably, for criticism...(you don't hear many comments about Lichtenstein or Finland) simply doesn't lend itself to easy generaliztions, positive OR negative.

You can find 'almost' anything you want here...except a wide choice of political parties to RUN the durn place!