The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87704 Message #1639483
Posted By: open mike
02-Jan-06 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Things to do with vinegar
Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar
windex has ammonia in it..
aND VINEGAR FOR WINDOWS IS wipe them off with news paper...even if it is printed on...(for mirrors too.)
vinegar is good to remove hard mineral scale in tea pots. also coffee makers....and faucets and other plumbing parts that get caked with hard crusts of minerals.
apple cider vinegar is good to rub on to relieve joint pain. (not if there is an open wound)
it is also great when mixed with baking =soda and red food coloring when doing a paper mache' volcano fo rthe science fair!
also vinegar makes a good gargle for sore throat. (again--apple cider.)
some feed it to horses to prevent kidney stones.
it contains acetic acid and will neutralize alkaline stuff..
and to find where the cat sprayed, use a black light cuz feline urine glows under UV light.