The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17120   Message #163956
Posted By: Peter T.
16-Jan-00 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Dogs and 'Catters are alike
Subject: RE: BS: Why Dogs and 'Catters are alike
Why Catters are like Cats and not like Dogs:

They do not look at you with adoring eyes. Rather they give you sardonic appraisals.
They have lives of their own, to which you are an occasional contributor
Work is for suckers and sheepdogs. They will not bring you your newspaper, or slippers. They will occasionally drop a chewed small something or other in a conspicuous place.
When given an official place to pee, they will pee extremely close to it, but never quite at the right place.
They have claws that they use when provoked, or whenever things are getting too complacent, or when new curtains have been hung.
They sing very loudly to their beloveds at 3:00 in the morning to the consternation of the neighbours.
They have been know to frequent cathouses (I know, obvious as hell, but I couldn't leave it off, could I?)

yours, Peter T.