The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87603   Message #1639865
Posted By: Morticia
02-Jan-06 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat New Year Tavern '05-'06
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat New Year Tavern '05-'06
I raise your Mad Dog and see you with :

Pixie once brought home from Amsterdam a bottle of Grapefruit Vodka that was so noxious that, not only would her fellow students not drink it, folkies wouldn't touch it either.......not even at 3 in the morning, after 17 pints of Old and Nasty.We didn't know, prior to that, that there was a drink folkies wouldn't drink. I think Liz the Squeak now has it enshrined on her sideboard.