The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19494   Message #1640077
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Jan-06 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: History of songs
Subject: RE: History of songs-Lane County Bachelor
Looks like we have more work to do on this song. I didn't see any other threads. Here's a message that was posted by mistake in the Help Forum:
Subject: Lane County Bachelor
From: Dennis Bosley/ Topeka Kansas
Date: 01-Jan-06 - 02:44 PM

Frank Baker is the correct name, not Frank Bolar. I used to farm in Lane County, Kansas, 10 miles, as the crow flies, from Frank Baker's homestead. Max Prose, of Dighton, has all kinds of stories passed down to him from his great grandfather, about how Frank Baker wrote his song, and how he lived, in Lane County in the 1880's. By the way, Frank Baker did not "prove up" his claim, but the record of his filing was left with the federal land office of Wakeeney, which now is preserved in the archives of Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas.

If you have any questions, you could contact the Department of History, Fort Hays State University, Hays Kansas 67601, or Tom Averill, Writer in Residence, Washburn University, Topeka KS 66621

Best regards,

Dennis Bosley