The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87316   Message #1641289
Posted By: Amos
04-Jan-06 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Well, LBJ is really kind of irrelevant to this discussion, thanks. As for the Congress giving up its war powers, that's as may be. What i want to know is how do we know when "Terrorism" wants to sign a treaty of surrender?

There is a huge semantic kafluffle going on here, of the kind Bush's henchmen are so good at. A state of war, legally and logistically and every other way, is a very different thing than a campaign to exterminate a condition, such as the war on drugs is supposed to be. They are really two different words that happen to use the same root word and The Bush Klan takes advantage of this overlap by intimidating people with the "we're at war card".

If they had done it right they would have declared war on Al Queda, and its leader, instead of haring off to Iraq because the Bushies were pissed at Saddam Hussein. He was obviously a minor contributor at best, but a personal or commercial agenda led the Klan to choose him. Besides, with Saddam, there was at least a known nation involved. Funny how said nation has not surrendered yet, though. Oh, but we weren't at war with Iraq, were we? Wait...who were we at war with? I forget...