The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903   Message #164170
Posted By: been trying to go for years
17-Jan-00 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
Despite what others say I do believe there is some degree of elitism at Indian Neck. I have wanted to go for years. I know Jay and a whole bunch of other people who regularly go to I.N. Jay knows I'd love to go and I mention it to her almost every time I see her. She says, "I'll put you on the list," and then I hear nothing. When I see her she seems to like me. I'm a good singer. I went once back in the early 80's for a day with a friend who got an invite and had a good time. I realize there are space restrictions but after 25+ years of trying, you'd think there would have been a space at least once. Heck, I live close enough in a bordering state where I wouldn't have to stay there. So I guess there must be something that Jay doesn't like about me, cuz I'm still waiting!!!!!!!! Frustrated but still would love to go!