The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #164204
Posted By: GeorgeH
17-Jan-00 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Guys, something's gone wrong here . . This thread was NOT about a single song, but about the general issue of "Folk" persons being politically committed. The song was cited as an example. Fine to discuss the song, or any other song, as examples, provided we don't lose sight of the central point.

And I find the assersion that "there is Kosovar violence in England" offensive (on the basis of the evidence currently available and because of its inherent racism).

Equally if not more offensive is the blaming the victims for their plight which is occuring (however mildly) at some points here. "Travellers" (of whatever flavour) choosing to live at the edge of society does not and never can justify acts of racist violence against them. It may be simplistic to say so (but, inevetably, much of the "analysis" of this thread IS simplistic) but "two wrongs NEVER make a right".

In sorrow,
