The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87807   Message #1642626
Posted By: wysiwyg
05-Jan-06 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Important question . . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Important question . . . .
(I also find it really amusing that no one, in all these years of people asking me what my Mudcat name means, NO ONE had decoded the fact that it's basically a SpeakingInTongues word that means "God's Designated Stunt-Farter." Why else do you think She made the goldfish??? Just think-- the carnival games where the prize is a new, young fish? The guys think they are God's gift to the girls standing around admiring their pitching, so they need a fish to blame, too.)

If fish REALLY farted, dontcha think there would be ads for medicine to drop into the water to stop it, with "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" as the jingle? Sheeshe, people, WAKE UP!
