The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87840   Message #1643378
Posted By: wysiwyg
07-Jan-06 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: SAD/Winter Blues/Sun Shortage: Solved
Subject: BS: SAD/Winter Blues/Sun Shortage: Solved
This is to people who live with (or care about) someone who seems to become someone else in the wintertime. I'm addressing this to you because once the SAD hits, the sufferer is not likely to be able to take the steps outlined below. But if you do what Hardi did for me yesterday, you may see your old springtime pal return early.

We now have an old chrome mic stand with a cheap 4' fluorescent fixture cable-tied to it, with a pair of full-spectrum bulbs. It's been a grim and hard pull these last few months. Today I am ALIVE. I'll ask Hardi to post the specs on what bulbs to get, later.

The light-stand is stashed so I have to walk around it to get to my recliner and wake-up cup of tea. Even the gloom and confusion of months didn't make me walk past the switch without hitting it. The light was irritating for about 10 minutes, and then I began to yawn and yawn as my body relaxed in the knowledge it was getting what it needed. I sat by this light for about an hour and then I got restless.

There's a bounce in my step for the first time I can recall in a long time. I'm creative, focused, and able to DO the things I know I need to do. And certain other, um.... "spously activities" seem suddenly interesting. :~) (Oh, yeah.... Yes! I remember THAT!)

We may go to a bank of 4 bulbs, or we may put a second 2-bulb unit upstairs in my spa-furnished dressing room-- or both.

I believe, since we had already the heavy-bottomed mic stand, we have spent less than 30 bucks.

