The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87813   Message #1643694
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Jan-06 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: Comments on illness of Ariel Sharon - Jan 2006
Subject: RE: Comments on illness of Ariel Sharon - Jan 2006
First to the idiot who started this thread. May you rot. You, and those of your ilk on both sides, are responsible for the continuing bloodshed. Your expression of glee at the illness and impending death of the leader of your foe shows you have no understanding or desire of what it takes to have peace for these two peoples. Real warriors understand that those we battle believe just as strongly in their cause as we do in ours. Those, like you, who are cowardly little worms with an opinion on all things that you don't really have to fight in, seem to embrace the death caused by conflict. Otherwise you would bemoan the incapacitation of one of those looking to find a resolution. I am not defending Sharon's record, he will have to do that on the next leg of the journey. I am attacking those who can't get by their prejudices long enough to know that the children of this conflict deserve something better. With Sharon at lease we were on the way of change.

I am praying for wisdom on both sides during this time. This is a test to see if they are of sufficient will to pursue the hard work of making the peace. Please, God, help them succeed.
