The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87813   Message #1643742
Posted By: GUEST
07-Jan-06 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Comments on illness of Ariel Sharon - Jan 2006
Subject: RE: Comments on illness of Ariel Sharon - Jan 2006
Peace with Ariel Sharon? Don't make me laugh. You all have VERY selective amnesia about the Middle East peace process.

Question: which Israeli politicians wrecked the Oslo accord? Answer: the Likud party. Who are the two big guns in Likud responsible for it? Netanyahu, who followed Rabin and Peres as prime minister running on an anti-peace platform, and; Sharon, who followed Barak as prime minister running on an anti-peace platform.

Being anti-Israeli right wing extremism isn't being anti-Semitic, anti-Jew or anti-Israel. It's taking a stand against fascist extremists like Sharon and Netanyahu, and calling a spade a spade.

Those of you who wish to keep playing this deluded game of romanticizing a dying war criminal, and painting him as a saint for peace, go right ahead. You just look like the ignorant Americans you are.