The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87813   Message #1644169
Posted By: CarolC
08-Jan-06 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Comments on illness of Ariel Sharon - Jan 2006
Subject: RE: Comments on illness of Ariel Sharon - Jan 2006
Just making a factual correction, Guest, 08 Jan 06 - 01:57 AM. Netanyahu was quite open about his hatred of the Oslo process, and his intention to kill it. And even though Barak gave the appearance of accepting Oslo, more settlements were constructed while he was prime minister than anyone else. But I don't think it's particularly constructive to focus too much on Oslo. It was a flawed process that did not specify any particular resolution. Prior to Oslo, the Palestinians had already lost more than 70 percent of their homeland, and all the Oslo agreement did was to make that official. Beyond that, it did not guarantee that they would be able to keep any of the land they still had, and it did not provide an end to Israeli military rule in the occupied Palestinian lands.