The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87896   Message #1644977
Posted By: GUEST,Lighter
09-Jan-06 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Chanties Helped Win World War I
Subject: RE: Chanties Helped Win World War 1
Thanks for posting this, Charley!

About that time, King published a booklet called "King's Book of Chanties," in which he described himself as "Official Government Chantey Man"!

The texts and tunes are all of the very familiar sort.

James M. Carpenter collected some material from King during the 1920s.

The article specifies "merchant vessels." That's yet another indication that shanties weren't used in the U.S. Navy. Back in the '60s I knew a man who had actually trained aboard USS Constellation (the Constitution's sister ship!) in 1918. He told me the only time he ever heard Navy sailors singing was "when they were drunk on liberty." He thought that they "mostly" sang pop songs of the day, but definitely no shanties at work.