The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87886   Message #1645083
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Jan-06 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Man with the EYES...
Subject: RE: BS: The Man with the EYES...
It would be worth having a party just to have Jerry show up, don't you think? I about fun! Oooooo-weee!

All kidding aside, it sounds like Jerry had himself a happy and fulfilling life and spread a little joy around in his own peculiar way. I got a genuinely good laugh listening to recorded samples of his songs on the website. Any guy who puts a bunch of clucking chickens in the background music of "Ebb Tide" must have something going for him.

Who would you rather have at your party? Jerry Colonna or Karl Rove? Tell me that.