The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87897   Message #1645151
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
09-Jan-06 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
Subject: RE: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
I don't understand is why groups that are exempt from the do-not-call list rules would even want to contact someone who has already indicated, by signing up for the do-not-call list, that they probably don't want to be bothered. If I were telemarketing director for, say, a political campaign I would assume that there's about a 99% chance that someone who doesn't want to be bothered by a guy trying to sell them vinyl siding doesn't want to be bothered by someone trying to get them to vote for Joe Blow. I would send that non-phone-friendly person a postcard instead.