The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87897   Message #1645341
Posted By: Kaleea
09-Jan-06 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
Subject: RE: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
Not alot of people were thrilled about getting a telemarketing call. There were, however, other reasons beside what were were told for the antitelemarketing bill. The legislation was pushed during an election year when fellers were trying to keep or reap seats on crapital hill. Trouble is, protecting the consumer was not the entire reason. While there were points which seemed to promise getting rid of "telemarketers," that did not happen. Politicians, charities, & a multitude of other companies can still legally call you, and there are loopholes aplenty which exhist to assist them. Most states-infact, most telemarketing companies--already had their own do not call list, stopping unsolicited phone marketing to the people on their lists.
But, ever notice that when you call some "helpline" for a product or service that you are often talking to someone who sounds like they are from India?
The big reason for the legislation was outsourcing. Since the legislation against "telemarketing," several hundred thousands of jobs were lost in the USA--many of which were call centers which also housed INbound calls. This happened after 9-11 had already devastated the American economy in most areas. Most telemarketers & inbound call center workers were students, housewives, seniors, people who had little or no financial ability to get job training, and people who needed to sit while working due to health reasons. Why outsource? It is much cheaper by far to take the call centers overseas-even India, thus making gazillions more in profits for big business.
Telemarketing ain't pretty, but there is more to the "story" which the consumer got sold.