The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87904   Message #1645361
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Jan-06 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Yes, most people who go into attack dog mode at the mere mention of "religion", Dawkins may have made the mistake of not realizing that spirituality does not equate to organized religion at all. They are 2 quite different matters, although one can find spirituality IN some organized religions and their adherents...just as one can find spirituality in people who belong to NO organized religion.

You don't need a "God" or a holy book or a church to live a spiritual life. You do need a positive outlook on yourself, life, and others, however.

Blind belief that leads to attacking others is always a disaster...whether or not it emanates from a religion, a political party, a political system, a racial purity mindset or some other contrived notion like that.