The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1645364
Posted By: Bobert
09-Jan-06 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Katrina Gate 101- Lesson 3

(Note from the teacher to the Duck: This class is about Katrina"GATE" and having the "agte" part thrown in should be a clue that a scandal is involved. No more disruptions.)

Okay, here the United Sates had a plan in place where in the case of a "natural" or terrorist led disaster the feds knew what they had to do. Or one might think since the president had gone around the country saying that tho it was hard work it was his job to "protect the American people".

Now, given the fact that the plan was in place, the chain of command fully understood by all the parties, all that the president needed was to issue orders to impliment the plan.

According to Michael Brown, he started to send up alerts to thew White House as early as August 26th, 3 full days before the hurricane and has stated under oath that he spoke with the prseident on Saturday, August 27th about his concerns that a Category 4, perhaps a Category 5 hurricane would hit the Gulf shore on the 29th of August.

Now, fir those good students who have not been a disruption here is where the "gate" come into play. What did the president do on August 27th, two full days before the hurricane hit New Orleans, having been warned of the impending disaster and having a plan in place to "protect the American people"? This is the crux of Katrina"gate" and this is why we are having this discussion.

Did Bush alert the Secretary of Homeland Security so he could order FEMA into action? Well, apparently, the president didn't. He, afterall, was on vacation.

                      The End of Lesson 3