The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87917   Message #1645470
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
10-Jan-06 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Yes, Henry Miller is one of my personal favorites.

Like Vodka and Ciardi he should NOT be taken straight, but diluted.

Sex is one of the 9 reasons for reincarnation, the other 8 are unimportant. Henry Miller, In Sex

I saw the errors I had made and assumed full responsibility for everything. You know, instead of being a man who would say, 'Well, it's a rotten system we live under,' and griping about politics, economics and the social condition, I said, 'Despite all that, I could have acted differently, I could have come out,' do you see? And I saw that as being the fault of my own nature, character and temperament. I accepted it, and once I did that, a great weight fell off me. I was liberated. I was able to really enjoy myself.- Henry Miller, In Philosophy

The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.- Henry Miller, In Perspective

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience.- Henry Miller, In Growth

Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.- Henry Miller, In Time

When I think of New York, I think of a giant infant playing with high explosives - Henry Miller, In Places/America

Ah yes, yes, once in a while indulge...spree and pee...a look at the girls and a brawl...not too bloody...ring around the know...shake the bugs out of the rug.- Henry Miller, In Drugs/Alchohol

Ah yes, yes, once in a while indulge...spree and pee...a look at the girls and a brawl...not too bloody...ring around the know...shake the bugs out of the rug.- Henry Miller, In Drugs/Alchohol

When you forget to eat you know you're alive.- Henry Miller, In Humanity

Only the fool hopes to repeat an experience; the wise man knows that every experience is to be viewed as a blessing. Whatever we try to deny or reject is precisely what we have need of; it is our very need which often paralyzes us, prevents us from welcoming a (good or bad) experience.- Henry Miller, In Humanity

My friends, on the other hand, entrenched themselves more solidly in the little ditch of understanding which they had dug for themselves. They died comfortably in their little bed of understanding, to become useful citizens of the world.- Henry Miller, In Philosophy

I have made a silent compact with myself not to change a line of what I write. I am not interested in perfecting my thoughts, nor my actions. Beside the perfection of Turgenev I put the perfection of Dostoevski (is there anything more perfect than "The Ethernal Husband"?). Here, then, in one and the same medium, we have two kinds of perfection. But in van Gogh's letters there is a perfection beyond either of these. It is the triumph of individual over art.

- Henry Miller, "The Tropic of Cancer" ( $ ) ( ? ), In Art

I believe that today more than ever a book should be sought after even if it has only one great page in it. We must search for fragments, splinters, toenails, anything that has ore in it, anything that is capable of resuscitating the body and the soul.

- Henry Miller, "The Tropic of Cancer" ( $ ) ( ? ), In Literature

One can wait a whole lifetime for a moment like this. The woman whom you never hoped to meet now sits before you, and she talks and looks exactly like the person you dreamed about. But strangest of all is that you never realized before that you had dreamed about her. Your whole past is like a long sleep which would have been forgotten had there been no memory, but remembrance is there in the blood and the blood is like an ocean in which everthing is washed away but that which is new and more substantial even than life: REALITY.- Henry Miller, "Tropic of Capricorn" In Love

