The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87897   Message #1645500
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
10-Jan-06 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
Subject: RE: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
the clicky was wonderful - but it left me 15 cookies to delete!

who, me, paranoid?

there has been a bit of talk here recently to start a Do-Not Call Register, but nuffin' so far.

We also get calls from India, as well as local ones & I treat them all the same - hang up immeditely as soon as the chirpy voice sez. "Hello, I'm John/Marsha from ..."

Unfortunately some Indian caller get a little bit further cos I can't understand what they are saying.

The most recent one asked for a name I couldn't hear properly, so I gave my usual reply to wrong numbers "There's no-one of that name here" & he snapped back "Are you the owner of this phone" & I was so surprised at his rude tone & question I said I was whereupon he launched into his spiel about me winning 40% off. So I said what I usually only think "fuck off" as I hung up without waiting to find what I'd won.

I hoped his supervisor was listening & he got what-for for using that tone of voice AND losing the sale!

Another one asked if I was the Sandra born in 1948. Even tho I wondered where he got my name & who invented the wrong birth date, I wasn't going to ask & I just hung up (& thought f. off)
