The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87917   Message #1645665
Posted By: Donuel
10-Jan-06 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Look at me aren't I clever posts are my domain.
If I only posted other people's cartoons that you could see anywhere, my point of view would be an unheard unseen tree that fell in the forest.

I think people who only see self agrandizement in a clever post are either insecure or untalented.

Spaw divides posts into 2 catagries; mildly amusing or pain in the ass.

If one does not know how to create a link - LEARN HOW.
If you can not write creatively or paraphrase - LEARN HOW, its worth it.

Usually a viewer never digests anything beyond the visual page. If they have to scroll, you have probably lost them.

Hey Amos, In MD it is a crime to say "I'll kill you" on the telephone but it is legal, fine and dandy in person.