The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87917   Message #1645716
Posted By: Wolfgang
10-Jan-06 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Well, well, well...

I hate to bring it up again but fir those of you who think you are being clever with yer "War 'n Peace" lenght cut-n-paste responses, all you are doiong is seriously weakenin' yer danged arguments...

... and wasting bandwidth!!!

If you can't make yer arguemnts without draggin' other folks blogs in word fir worfir word fir word than you ain't thinkin' 'bout nuthin'...

Hey, if you wanta read somethin' and come in and argue based on what you have read, fine, but at least make an attempt to be arguin' yer points as, ahhhhh, ***you***...

Tell ya what, most folks ain't gonna read no "War 'n Peace" length rebuttal that you ain't even written...

Plus, after you been through a couple of them, they are boring and not at all objective...

(Bobert in the         BS: Cut-n-paster's creepin' back in... thread he started in September 05)

I must say I did like the 'war and peace' comparison better than the new one.
