The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1645932
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jan-06 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Just as I did, CarolC, though I must admit that with lexdeia sometimes it can be a chore but I originally challenged one of these Bush-heads to name any Bush policy that they felt all warm and fuzzy defending and so they, NOT ME, chose Bush's Katrina policy/action....

So I went on a reading spree... It ain't hard to research stuff with Google... A couple hours and opne can have a purdy good grasp of an issue... And the nice thing about Google is that you get cross-sectional perspectives...

So that's what I did for an entire evening and I ran off copies of stuff, much like I would have done doing a term aper in college except bnot having to write out the index cards...

And then I proposed my argument and here we are zeroing on 200 posts to thwei thread and not one Bushite has been able to crack my original argument... I nmean, lets look at the latest... GUEST-G says that the feds aren't up to the task of handling disasters "1000 miles away"????

I know, where's the logic in this... If it's Bush' hjob to connect the dots and "protect the American people" then he cann't put in any fine print on location... What if the terrorists had hit New Orleans, GUEST G???

"Well, gee, we're real sorry about that, Governor, but it's out of our delivery radius..."

See what I've had to put up with, CarolC???

Ahhhhh, just fir the record, GUEST, G-zer... If Bush found Iraq, I'm sure he could find New Orleans....

Now who wants to be 200...

