The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87917   Message #1646053
Posted By: GUEST,Old Guy
10-Jan-06 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...

I'll make a deal with you. You include some cut and paste with your stuff proving that you are really reading things and looking for information and I will shorten my cut and pastes.

You know, I learn a lot while googling for facts. Sometimes I find out I am wrong. When I do, I don't try to prop up what I said when I was wrong. Some times I print a retraction.

If Amos had to do that he would strip every gear in his transmission. Nobody is right all of the time.

I will admit GWB bit off more than he can chew. He ain't perfect but what the hell good does it do to try to cut his legs off? It just makes that wad bigger and bigger. It hurts the US more than it hurts him.

Did you see Imam Zawa whatever crowing about a US pull out in Iraq? They think that they have broken the will of the American public. Have they? Has it made them fight harder and longer?

Even mr Kerry said he would have done the same thing or at least he did. Would you have your chain saw out after him too?