The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87897   Message #1646222
Posted By: Mr Red
11-Jan-06 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
Subject: RE: BS: Beat telemarketers.....
in the UK the TPS get out of all complaints in my experience.

I have the answer machine on peramnently and the number of blanks messages has gone down to one a month. But I am also ex-directory and ex electoral roll. No-one ever asks for me by name except.............

companies I deal with. I have long discussions with their supervisor to get them to consult the TPS register and they ignore the subject as if it doesn't apply - neither does my custom.

I opt out of all options and even tell companies I don't want junk mail (e or snail) or junk calls and even make e-purchases conditional on them respecting the list of "no junks". I am on the MPS too which spoils my wheeze of returning to sender any junk with "not known at this address" it has finally worked most of the time. But few people know (or can find-out cheaply) who lives at my address.

MBNA seemd to ignore this at Xmas and another company are in for a roastng.