The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1646718
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jan-06 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Thank you, Q, for this informative post...

Yeah, the Bush apologists here like neat little pigeon holes in which to shift the blame... Ain't that easy...

Hey, it was the Bush administartion, after 9/11 that said "We are on the case..."

Yeah, Bush loved to pump out his chest and proclaim "My job is to protect the American people"....

Problem is that when we look closely at Bush's actual
performance he was too busy fleecing the middle class by redistributing wealth toward the wealthy and away from the middle
class to be too engaged in really working towrad protecting America from much of anything...

In demoting FEMA, he actually made Americans less safe??? The evidence is in one this one... The only folks who can't accept this are the most "true beleivin' Bush brownshirts"...

And here we are some 5 months later and what we are seeing is no real well defined federal response???? Maybe Bush hasn't been told he is no longer the Governor of Texas but President of the United States...

Or maybe they have but them pretzels jst keep it from sinkin' in...

Or maybe, ahhhh, there's little for which it to sink into???
