The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87918   Message #1646743
Posted By: GUEST,Woody
11-Jan-06 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: scott ritter speaks
Subject: RE: BS: scott ritter speaks
So Scott ritter was framed?

These chat room stings go on every day everywhere. They have no idea who they have on line or who they have snared until they show up for a meeting.

They can't direct a chat room sting ant any one person. they catch doctors, cops, clergy, teachers people you would never suspect and maybe a UN wepaons inpector on a rare occasion. But this innocent weapons inspector got caught twice and he confessed:
"...He was also cautioned by police after communicating with an undercover officer posing as a 14 year-old, reports said. Mr Ritter, the head of the UN monitoring team until 1998, confessed to the arrest but added: "I am bound not to discuss any aspect of this case..."

Anybody that thinks he was targeted is paranoid.

raq's intelligence services bought gold jewellery that they planned to give to the wife and daughter of Scott Ritter, a filmmaker and former weapons inspector, in a project to encourage him to work closely with Saddam Hussein's regime, according to documents The Sunday Telegraph has discovered.

The documents, found in the bombed headquarters of Iraq's intelligence services in Baghdad, say the cost of the presents was approved at the highest level to try to develop "strong relations with them [Mr Ritter's family] that affect positively on our relations with him".

The documents say the gifts should be offered via an intermediary, Shakir al-Khafaji, an Iraqi-American businessman and associate of Mr Ritter.

The documents, which are signed by the then director-general of Iraqi intelligence, purport to reveal close links between Mr al-Khafaji and Iraqi intelligence, and suggest that the regime was making available substantial funds to offer him. Mr Ritter and Mr al-Khafaji said they received no gifts or money.
"The papers referred to the "Scott Ritter Project" and were found in a file "Hosting in hotels 1997-2000", which held details of Iraqi intelligence guests. They were in the same folder as reports of a visit to Baghdad in 1998 by an envoy of Osama bin Laden disclosed in The Sunday Telegraph."

Mr Ritter formed a partnership with Mr al-Khafaji to finance the documentary Shifting Sands, which, according to Mr Ritter, "proved" that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

"Shakir al-Khafaji's close ties to Iraqi Baathists and Michigan Democrats are a matter of public record. In late January the al Mada newspaper in Baghdad published his name on a list of 270 individuals, companies, churches and political parties that Iraqi Oil Ministry documents allege benefited from Saddam's largesse. "