The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1647373
Posted By: Bobert
12-Jan-06 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Okay, her we go...

1. Seein' as that problem cannot be solved with the same consciousness that created it, Bush and his gang are outta the deal. Yes, he needs to remove his asdminstartion from the process of the plan to rebuild the Gulf Coast... (More on this later...)

2. The Army of Corps of Engineers, before the first thing is built inside the worst areas needs to rebuild the leves to withstand a Cat 5 hurricane... Not not a 4! (Actually, I have recently heard that by the time Katrina hit N.O. it was a Cat 3??? And di this musch damage???) So, rebuild the levees to withstand a Cat 5...

3. Turn the Justice Departemnt loose on the insurance industry which has taken a run-out-the-clock attitude on paying claims... Yeah, haul a couple COE's into jailand that outta get them playing nice.

4. Provide national "gap insurance" to any "home owner" who lived in their own home that covers the difference between wheat the weiel insurance companies will pay to rebuild and what it will take to rebuild.

5. BUT, and this is the all important "but", before folks start rebuilding, hold a redevelopement/redesign charette... Now, I ain't talking about a few old folks from the hood witha room full of slick talking planners... That ain't a charette, its an ambush... And it's going to take some national public serice announcements to let folks who either have relocated or can't make it back to appoint proxies to represent their interests...

6. Offer a major prize for a national competition of various engineering schools to find a way to build entire blocks on barges that can't be seen in the case of flooding where entire blockes, trees, shrubs and Rover's dog house i tha back yard can raise with flood level... (Yeah, I know this seems to contradict my #1 but, hey, it's worth a looksie just in case the Army Corps screws up...

7. Look toward public/private partnerships in ares were a complete redevelopemt might be possible. If these areas are to be rebuilt with vision there will be these pockets that weill open up and so be prepared to negotiate with the private sector for thier redevelopment... Lotta creative ways to "share" sapce.

8. Offer tax incentives (local, state and federal) for investement in the rebuilding of centers that bring back the cultureal aspects of the area. And on the fedral level, like community block grant programs to assit in amtching funds for such rebuilding.

9. Hold as a goal a mix racial mix in these ares that is no greater than 10% different than before Katrina.

10. Lastly, and this is perahps the hardest and it is the area of finacing. Given that this area is so important to the domestic oil industry, that rebuilding will be partially paid for by the oil industry. Hey, they beed folks there to work so they can throw a few peas in the pot. These two states don't have extra revenues so reality being just that, I would propose that tyhr Bush administration roll back it's tax cuts incrimentally and that a portion go toward rebuilding the Gulf Coast... Thrwo in the public/private partnerships in many areas and the bills get paid.

There, that's Bobert's "Ten Point Plan"

Unlike the Bushites here, I ain't afraid to throw out some ideas... Sure, I expect them to start taking shots. Fine, shoot away but not if you don't have the balls to put forth yer "10 point" plans...
