The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40592 Message #1647589
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
13-Jan-06 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Know You Rider
Subject: RE: Origins: I Know You Rider
Re the Trio recording, yeah, it had occurred to me that I hadn't checked the date it came out. I assumed Dave Guard would have been the likeliest one to pick the song up, but of course any Trio member, or friend of a member, might have.
John Stewart, hmmm. Actually, Judy Henske (whom I never met either, to my knowledge, but I met a lot of people, including some fairly striking singers whose names I didn't necessarily get, at singing parties on the coast) might be the one who scarfed up the song for the was the sort of song that might well have caught her ear.
Any Californians have inside information on the song's earliest days there? I'd be interested to hear more. Because I was in the army and out of folk song circles c. 1960-63, which must have been the song's later circulating years, that's the piece I know least about.