The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #164776
Posted By: InOBU
18-Jan-00 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Dear Pete: I would expect you have had both de jure and de facto protection of the Constitution. Roma have not, until the past few years, had those protections. For example, up until last year, Roma in New Jersey had to apply for a licence to live leagly in the state, even for native born Roma. There are counties, such as Bates and Leesville counties SC, which have and enforce bans against Roma entering the counties. These laws are not ancient vestigial laws, but have been written with in the past twenty years.
It would take a long essay to explain to you the rights of encapsulated nations, such as American Indians, whoes rights are recognised and Roma whose rights are generally not, but to begin to understand, where ever Roma are, they are because they have been driven out of someplace else. In those places their right to be their has never been accepted, and so, they have maintained separate government. Internation law recognises that in cases where that government pre-exists the present government, some degree of autonomy is to be expected - the legal basis for federal indian law. Now, you are right this does not exempt them from personal taxation. However, when ones very existence, breathing the air of the land you live in is a crime, it is the rare individual that would pay taxes under that circumstance. In order to cure that conflict, as well as to provide the expectations which modern societies accept as rights, education and jobs, we must seek to understand the history which has alienated Roma and work a plan which accepts who they are as a people.
Feel free to e-mail me for further disscussion as this is off the theme of this board and this thread, but I understand for most people who are barely aware of the existence of Roma, much of this seems like science fiction.
Oh, one more thing - Yes! Do pay your taxes! (Even if you are Roma)!
All the best (and here these songs live at Bagatelle - 12 Saint Marks Place NYC 8pm Wendsdays)