The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1648291
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jan-06 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Yeah, great, O-Guy....

Now how about going back to the very first post in this thread and assemble a rebuttal...

Bush was the one to give the orders and he flinched...

Bush was responsible for backing up his post 9/11 rhetoric about protecting the American people and he failed...

These, based on well over 200 posts without a rebuttal to be the strongest evidence that the "gate" belongs behind Katrina...

Hey, when any one of the Bushites will mount a rebuttal then you can ask questions of me... Until then, yer just blowing smoke...

Debating 101... Rebuttal, then assert an opposing view... UIf you can't rebutt my arguments then you have no right to change the direction of the debate... Any high school debating coach can tell ye that.... And, O-Guy, don't get too smug in dealing with CarolC... You make her mad and she'll take you to the cleaners...

Maybe you won't know just what a butt whup she put on yer ol' butt but everyone else will... Better just stick to yer talking points, keep on punching but when you go declaring some kind of victory, this ol' gal gonna hurt you bad... She is easilly the best debater in Mudville... Plus she's mighty purdy which has nuthin' to do with anything...
