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Thread #87918   Message #1649331
Posted By: GUEST
16-Jan-06 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: scott ritter speaks
Subject: RE: BS: scott ritter speaks
The same information that RD and Bobert stated was untrue because it was found on a right wing unobjective blog sh*t originated from John Kerry's site. It was deleted from that web site for an "unknown reason" but it is still cached at Google.

So much for the objectivity of RD and Bobert.

"A Kerry-Edwards administration will put in place a comprehensive new national security strategy aimed at getting the terrorists before they get us. We will transform our military to meet new threats, restore the strength of our alliances, and lead with the power of our ideas. We will use every available resource to destroy terrorists and deny them sanctuary, funds and new recruits."


Subject: RE: BS: scott ritter speaks
From: Ron Davies
Date: 12 Jan 06 - 10:12 PM

"Front Page Magazine"--now there's a good objective source---pray tell, Woody, who puts it out?

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Subject: RE: BS: scott ritter speaks
From: Bobert
Date: 12 Jan 06 - 10:14 PM

Dom you actually believe any of the right winged blogsh*t you post here, Wood-ster???

Next thig you'll have Mohammed Kerry as the 20th terrorist...

You are qickly becoming a comic jerk 'rounf here with yer absolute junk...

(But, Bobert... Maybe Woody is a closet progressive that is just trying to make the righties look like lunnies...)

Ahhhh, nvermind, Wood... Keep on truckin'...
