The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88069   Message #1649734
Posted By: Charlie Baum
16-Jan-06 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: House Concerts/Handicapped Accessible
Subject: RE: House Concerts/Handicapped Accessible
Local folk music societies in our area were pestered by a wheelchair activist a couple of years ago, so our society had a chance to check out the requirements and expectations of accessibliity with our state disability council. First of all, only a "reasonable" accommodation is required. The folks who go after enforcement of this issue would never bother going after a private house or a house concert series. Moreover, about the only enforcement mechanism available is to deny government funding. If your house concert series exists independently of public arts grants, you can safely ignore the complaints about the lack of full accessibility. There are no other legal remedies the person can pursue.

The accommodations that suit some people won't suit others. Lisa and I have adapted our home to the disabliities of those who live here and our frequent visitors (including Lisa's son, who is in a wheelchair)--and we made our bathroom and house work for OUR needs, rather than the arbitrary ADA compliance rules, which don't work for us.

In Maryland, Marilyn Phillips proved to be such a belligerent and nasty Wheelchair Nazi that some of us were tempted to push her wheelchair off the top of a long steep stairway. Thanks to an interest in preserving public decorum and politcal correctness, we refrained from doing so. ;-)