The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27126   Message #1650242
Posted By: NormanD
17-Jan-06 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: did a show for Alzheimer's patients
Subject: RE: did a show for Alzheimer's patients
That's so nicely put, Jerry. Being with someone with Alzheimer's, or some similar condition, is both distressing and tiring. You're with a shell of someone you once knew as a loved one.

My partner's mother is in a care home, and we've started singing with her. She used to be a teacher, and sang with primary school kids, so she remembers many old trad British songs really well. She can still hold a tune and recalls most of the words, so we do this as an activity together. It does invigorate her and cheers her up, and makes a change from her asking us the same questions over and over and over. Now, we just sing, and it's less stressing for us too.

I left a similar message a few months ago, and asked if anyone had a copy of the old National Song Book as used in schools; a fellow Mudcatter kindly sent me a copy, and it's been of great use. So thanks again, Greg!

It's better to sing with someone rather than to them, if possible. The changes can be incredible.
