The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88140   Message #1650755
Posted By: GUEST,Eduardo
18-Jan-06 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: Ming Campbell -Bush's Scottish Apologist
Subject: Ming Campbell -Bush's Scottish Apologist
I see the dreadful Scots MP Ming Campbell is trying to become Leader of the British Liberal Party following the sad demise of Charles Kennedy under a barrage of whisky bottles.

Ming is the kind of right-wing George Bush apologist that the British Liberal Party and Britain in general can well do without.

How on earth can you have a political Leader who is named after a Chinese dynasty?

Don't vote for him guys.

And don't vote for the other guy with the Germanic name (Chris Hun) either. Stick with a good ole-fashioned true British hero like Simon Hughes or the little bald chappie from posh Winchester, Markie Oaten.