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Thread #73670   Message #1651061
Posted By: Old Guy
18-Jan-06 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole

So you are saying it is OK if a president sends US troops into combat in a secret war without the knowledge if Congress, without declaring war or having permission from congress, without telling the American public about it after making the statement in his SOU address that we will tell congress and the American public everything he is doing?

If you want to see a clear example of negativity you immediately condemned something attributed to Kerry as being a lie because of the source. The original information came from You can not recognize the truth when you see it. You use your internal hate filters to determine the truth instead of common sense.

At the same time you declare GWB is violating the constitution by doing much less.

Where were you at back then? Sailing around the Mediterranean doing the bidding of your cult leader hero while your comrades were committing suicide or being murdered and getting involved in assassinations of leaders of sovereign countrys?

Please go over all of the details of your past for us like you do for GWB.

And as far as me being a nabob of negativity, All I see from you is negativity.

If you want to see a clear example of negativity, you immediately condemned something attributed to Kerry as being a lie because of the source. The original information came from that you frequently quote.

You can not recognize the truth when you see it. You use your internal hate filters to determine the truth instead of common sense.
You sir are a hypocrite in denial. All I do is point out facts that show what you accuse GWB of doing has all been done before to even larger degrees but you try to make it sound like something new, some new barrier that has been broken.