The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88227   Message #1653246
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Jan-06 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Constituent Lashes Out
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Constituent Lashes Out
Yes, I see the people you speak of every day in this small town in Canada. They are just as you say. They read the Toronto Sun, a colossally ignorant and zenophobic newspaper that is 98$ ads and girlie pictures, and 2% content. They basically believe in violence to solve political problems, specially violence upon anyone who seems to be "foreign" in any way. They smoke, drink, and eat junk food. Their ignorance is palpable. When the USA bombs anyone, they are delighted. It serves as a catharsis for the eternal level of dumb, inarticulate rage that simmers just below the surface of their unrealized lives. They know they got robbed, but they're not sure by whom. The "good life" has eluded them. They need someone to why not hate "gooks" or "towelheads" or somebody like that?

This isn't really a new thing. The British Empire had a similar underclass which it sent all over the world in red uniforms, and flogged to death on the decks of wooden ships for infractions such as failing to salute an officer. A dumb, unaware, tough, perpetually frustrated underclass is needed if you want to provide large numbers of willing hands and empty minds to murder foreigners and take their lands.

Very interesting essay you have offered.

Beside those white "Mutt people" you mention in the American forces are the frustrated young blacks from the inner city ghettos. That's a volatile combination. Listen to the music they play in their Abrams tanks and Hummers. It speaks volumes. It is the voice of a moral and spiritual vacancy, mouthing violence and obscenity to a heavy rythm track...looking for something to destroy in order to feel alive for a few minutes.

Yes, those people need equality. They need education. They need a good start in life. I simply do not know any way of providing that in a free market, competitive, dog-eat-dog system that has no intention of rescuing the perpetual underclass from the hole that they are in. To rescue them would be called "socialism". Like in Sweden. You aren't gonna see that happen in the USA, which values its economic inequality far too much to even consider such egalitarian solutions.