The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87904   Message #1653258
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
22-Jan-06 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
And, as you point out, Peace, this thread is--needlessly--divisive. It is a needlessly inflammatory premise--and the thread should be allowed to die. .

Divisive exactly how? Is a Schism being created in the hitherto unified Mudcat demographic? For crying out loud. I'm not supposed to question a behavior that makes no sense at all because it gives a lot of people "comfort"? If you believe that standing on your head in the rain brings you into a oneness with the cloud spirits, it may give you plenty of comfort, but I still think its nonsensical behavior. If you and your football team prays for victory as if God is a Steelers fan I reserve the right to remark on the fact. If a friend of mine believes he must wear sacred undergarments as a sign of purity, I will freely say I don't see the connection. These in themselves are harmless if goofy behaviors, and any comment I may make shouldn't detract from the comfort derived by those who practice them. They are acts fundamentally based on faith, and my rational criticism shouldn't detract from their value to the user.

But when the finger on the nuclear trigger is on the hand of a man who deeply believes the Rapture is near and Armageddon is inevitable and counts Hal Lindsey among his advisers. I will not only say the belief is ridiculous, but also dangerous, and I have no hesitation in saying I would like to see it disappear from the face of the Earth no matter how much comfort it gives its possessor.

The topic is important and evidently people are interested enough to drive this thread past 300 posts. I have disagreed with Little Hawk and I still think he is an articulate and intelligent individual. I have disagreed with Amos, but I have found his comments thoughful and measured. Joe Offer has made a summary of his Christian belief which I find very persuasive. When we stop talking about our differences on this forum, and in the world at large, we make less, not more, progress. If anyone's faith is shaken by the comments herein, it's because those comments resonate as truth for them.

And that's a good thing.